Sound of Iona Harbours

The need for fit for purpose infrastructure in the Sound of Iona has been recognized by the local community for many years. The Sound of Iona Harbours Group was revived in 2012 and became a sub-group of SWMID. Funding from LEADER in 2013 enabled the Harbours Group to commission the Sound of Iona Harbours Master plan which lays out 12 development concepts. These are outline in nature and were intended to inform thinking and priorities at that stage.

Since the publication of the Masterplan Argyll and Bute Council have committed to the redevelopment of the infrastructure at Fionnphort and Iona which is one aspect of the plan. This will allow for safe overnight berthing of the ferry at Fionnphort and a breakwater at Iona. The new infrastructure will ensure the sustainability of the lifeline service of the Iona Ferry and the safety of the ferry crew.

Contact information
Sound of Iona Harbours Committee: Finlay MacDonald
Argyll and Bute Council: Stewart Clark, Marine Ops. Manager

Email Finlay Email Stewart

Sound of Iona Harbours
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