We are very grateful to the Scottish Forestry Community Fund for a boost to our mountain bike trail plans at Tiroran Community Forest. The trail is being developed in a small area high up on the West side of the forest and has so far been a small DIY voluntary effort – with many thanks to Terry Ward and David Francis! We are attempting to create a trail loop of around a mile long to include some downhill sections, a few banked turns (berms) and some small jumps. Most of the effort has been manual, with shovels, mattocks, buckets and wheelbarrows. The ground is challenging – very wet and boggy in places - and mostly lacking in the soil that would be useful for constructing trail features!
To step up our skills and capability for moving the project forward, Scottish Forestry are funding SWMID to run a formal training course with B1ke, as well as some new tools! B1ke build and operate bike parks, and have years of experience in trail design, build and maintenance. The course is open to anyone to attend and is an excellent opportunity to learn some practical skills in a tremendous growth area in Scotland.
The course will run at the forest over 3 days starting on Friday 13th May:
You would be also expected to attend the two practical skills days on Saturday and Sunday.
Practical skills for building and ongoing maintenance/management of a bike trail.