Community Garden Update


It's a chilly time to be in the garden but Faith and Lorraine are still there for weekly sessions, with some hardy volunteers!

Regular gardening sessions take place three times a week - on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 10.00am to 1.00pm - and more volunteers are always welcome.

Lorraine has been delighted to be joined by Pauline Burrows on Saturdays who is volunteering at the garden for her Duke of Edinburgh Award. 

We have successfully raised the funds to buy a polytunnel which, along with the outdoor shelter, will provide space for working and having a cup of tea somewhere out of the weather. The polytunnel should be up and ready for starting off seeds this Spring! In the meantime, winter jobs have included gathering and mulching the beds with seaweed and laying gravel on the paths to make them accessible and less slippery.

During 2021 we welcomed over 200 people to the garden - volunteers, allotment holders, folk of all ages attending events and activities, and people just walking through to enjoy the beautiful space.

We're looking forward to the year ahead. Watch this space for details about our upcoming events: square foot gardening and pizza oven building in the Spring!

There are also exciting plans for a perennial vegetable bed to demonstrate different ways of providing food through the year with minimal work while building soil and sequestering carbon, as well as a small bee and butterfly area to attract pollinators.

Faith and Lorraine are always very happy to hear from you, either via email or you can pop into the garden on one of their regular days and catch them there.

Email Faith and Lorraine Find Out More about the Community Garden

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