What's happening at Bendoran?


In October 2019, South West Mull and Iona Development (SWMID) purchased the old Bendoran Boatyard site near Bunessan on behalf of the local community. Covid-19 interrupted and delayed potential developments but we are now in a position, thanks to a grant from the Islands Green Recovery Fund, to start making the site safer, more accessible and fit-for-purpose. This includes the demolition of a derelict building, the creation of parking spaces, resurfacing of the track, hard standing for boats, re-concreting of the slipway, construction of a storage shed and the creation of three terraces for future developments. We have just found out that planning permission is now in place - a process that had been delayed for several months - and TSL has been engaged to carry out the work. We have already started to cut down trees at the top of the site to allow for the car parking spaces.

In the meantime, one of the functions of the site is to host Bendoran Watersports social enterprise and the Bendoran Water Activities Club and Jon Lloyd has been working hard to get these off the ground. 

Long term, the site will also provide onshore facilities for the community owned Aird Fada Seaweed Farm that SWMID is developing as well as safe mooring for local and visiting boats.

Watersports at Bendoran!

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